Haring Center

Current Research

Haring Center researchers are faculty, staff, and students from the University of Washington College of Education and across the university. The following are highlights of currently funded projects.

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Funded Research Grants:

Developing Links to Learning via Adaptive Mathematics Assessment (Project LLAMA)

The goal of this project is to create a table-based math assessment that is engaging for preschoolers and feasible in the classroom. LLAMA items can be administered as a quick screening assessment for preschoolers in the whole classroom and an in-depth assessment for individual children who require specialized math instruction based on their needs. LLAMA items are comprehensive of key preschool math skills (e.g., early numeracy, shape and space, pre-algebraic thinking, measurement) and efficient in providing useful information for teachers to inform instruction. The assessment is presented in a game-like platform where Lolly the llama presents items in colorful space, jungle, or ocean settings for preschoolers to complete.

  • Co-PIs: Kristen Missall, PhD (University of Washington), Robin Hojnoski, PhD (Lehigh University), Tony Albano, PhD (University of California-Davis), and David Purpura, PhD (Purdue University)
  • Institute of Education Sciences (Lehigh University, Prime)
  • $1,400,000
  • 2020-2024
Project ECHO: Providing Education and Support to Caregivers of Children with Challenging Behavior

The purpose of this project is to provide education and support to parents, families and caregivers of children who engage in challenging behavior. This project seeks to provide parents with the education and support necessary to implement behavioral strategies and supports at home. Education and support are delivered using Project ECHO, a case-based telehealth learning program. This online platform provides opportunities for parents and caregivers to present difficult situations at home regarding challenging behavior to a group of parents with similar experiences, as well as other experts in the field, to brainstorm and develop sustainable interventions. Positive outcomes of this intervention include child, parent and family outcomes, as expertise is disseminated through this collaboration experience. Learn more about Project ECHO in Special Education at the Haring Center.

  • PI: Katherine Bateman
  • The Rubenstein Foundation
  • $40,000
  • 2021-2023

Meeting the Need: Increasing Access to Applied Behavior Analysis Services in Washington State

This project aims at increasing parent education and support to families of children with I/DD across the state of Washington using an online, state-of-the-art service delivery platform. Project ECHO, a case-based, telehealth learning program, is used to increase knowledge and expertise for parents and caregivers on interventions targeting challenging behavior. This online platform provides opportunities for parents and caregivers to present difficult situations at home regarding challenging behavior to a group of parents with similar experiences, as well as other experts in the field, to brainstorm and develop sustainable interventions. Positive outcomes of this intervention include child, parent and family outcomes, as expertise is disseminated through this collaboration experience. Learn more about Project ECHO in Special Education at the Haring Center.

  • PI: Katherine Bateman
  • The Arc of Washington Trust Fund
  • $40,000
  • 2020-2021

Developing and Testing a Blended Behavior and Language Intervention for Toddlers at High Risk for Persistent Developmental Language Disorders

The purpose of the project is to develop and test a blended classroom-based intervention to support language and social-emotional development in toddlers who are at risk for persistent developmental language disorders (DLD). Specifically, we aim to integrate two evidence-based interventions in community childcare and Early Head Start settings. The Pyramid Model for Promoting Young Children’s Social Emotional Competence (Fox et al., 2003; Hemmeter, Snyder, Fox & Algina, 2016) and Enhanced Milieu Teaching (EMT; Kaiser & Hampton, 2016). The blended model, Toddler Talk, will include professional development designed to support providers in implementing the blended intervention to improve language and social-emotional outcomes for young children.

  • Co-PIs: Kathleen Artman Meeker and Jennifer Cunningham
  • Institute of Education Sciences (subcontract with Vanderbilt University)
  • $566,325
  • 2020-2024

Project Building Coaching Capacity

Project BCC will develop, test and scale a continuum of coaching supports in early childhood that promote children’s social-emotional development and individualized positive behavior support. The team will work with partner sites in Washington to build infrastructure to sustain the coaching model and create professional development for coaches and administrators.

  • Co-PIs: Kathleen Artman Meeker, Carol Davis, Scott Spaulding and Angel Fettig
  • U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs
  • $1,600,000
  • 2020-2024

Optimizing BCI-FIT: Brain Computer Interface-Functional Implementation Toolkit

The purpose of the project is to develop and evaluate an efficient brain-computer interface (BCI) system that serves as a communication access method for individuals with severe speech and physical impairments. The technology targets improved accuracy and speed of communication, plus user satisfaction for individuals who use the system. Learn more.

  • PI: Scott Spaulding
  • National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services; Sub-award with Oregon Health & Science University
  • $65,000
  • 2020-2025

Understanding Reading Development and Instructional Context of Students with Intellectual Disabilities

The purpose of the Reading Development Project is to understand the trajectory of students with intellectual disabilities (ID) in reading and language. We hope to provide a clear picture of how much growth teachers can expect in areas critical for reading success.We also want to understand the context the children are developing within and will interview parents and teachers about their literacy practices and instructional choices. Learn more.

  • PI: Roxanne Hudson
  • Institute of Education Sciences
  • $1,400,000
  • 2019-2023

 of a Tiered Coaching Model to Support the Professional Development of Inclusive Early Childhood Educators (TCM)

The purpose of this project is to develop and test a tiered coaching model to support social-emotional teaching in preschool. It includes a decision-making framework to help coaches match their feedback to the type and amount of support preschool teachers need during different activities, with different children, and across different points in their careers. Learn more about the Tiered Coaching Model.

  • PI: Angel Fettig
  • Institute of Education Sciences
  • $1,366,853
  • 2017-2020

Development of a Web-based Integrated Behavior Support and Teacher Coaching System for Early Childhood Settings (iBESTT-EC)

The purpose of this project is to develop and test a collaborative, web-based tool to improve early childhood teachers’ implementation of interventions for children with or at risk for emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD).

  • PI: Scott Spaulding
  • Institute of Education Sciences
  • $1,400,000
  • 2018-2022

Funded Development or Training Projects:

Project Foster

Project Foster prepares doctoral-level leaders in special education who can positively influence the lives of children and youth with disabilities by conducting reading and math intervention research and preparing high quality special education teachers.

  • PI: Roxanne Hudson
  • $1,250,000
  • 2016-2021

Preparing Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) to Work with Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

This project prepares students in the principles of applied behavior analysis and recommended practices in special education. This dual training will better prepare BCBAs to work with students with ASD in school and community settings and to participate as collaborative team members with teachers and other school professionals.

  • PI: Ilene Schwartz
  • $1,250,000
  • 2016-2021

Preparing Interdisciplinary Special Educators and School Psychologists in Team Based Behavioral and Mental Health Supports

This project will prepares special education teachers and school psychologists to work as school personnel with shared knowledge and skills to provide focused intensive instruction for learners with social, behavioral, and mental health needs. 

  • PI: Carol Davis
  • U.S. Department of Education
  • $ 1,250,000
  • 2017-2022

Preparing Educators and Social Workers for Family-Centered EI Practices

This project prepares early interventionists and social works in their respective programs (Masters of Education in Early Childhood Special Education or Masters of Social Work) and provides additional training in interdisciplinary collaboration in culturally responsive family-centered practices within the context of early intervention (birth to three) services. 

  • PI: Angel Fettig
  • U.S. Department of Education
  • $ 1,250,000
  • 2019-2024