Haring Center
Brittney Lee, M.Ed.
Partner Manager, leebritt@uw.edu
Brittney started her tenure at the Haring Center as a graduate student from the UW College of Education. She completed her internship experiences at the EEU in both the ECEAP and kindergarten programs. Upon graduating, Brittney took a position at the EEU as a kindergarten teacher providing support to families and instruction to children with and without disabilities. Brittney’s strong commitment to the EEU community soon led her to a position as Assistant Principal. Since 2009, Brittney has been providing leadership support to the EEU staff, also serving as the ECEAP Director for the school and ambassador of Early Learning for the Haring Center. Currently, Brittney is the Director of Early Learning for the Professional Development Unit and provides consultation and professional development support to early learning educators and coaches serving children in inclusive settings.